The Camden Waterfront is a vibrant waterfront district located along the Delaware River in the City of Camden in Camden County. Camden’s waterfront was a former industrial center and the process to revitalize and transform the waterfront began in 1980. The waterfront now provides access to many notable tourist attractions and opportunities to enjoy open space,  music, art, history, theater, dining, shopping and events. The waterfront is ADA accessible and can easily be accessed by public transit.

The Camden Waterfront connects a variety of attractions and provides an attractive where local residents and far-traveling visitors can enjoy the safe and special space.The local community utilizes and enjoys the Camden Waterfront for fireworks displays for the Fourth of July and New Year’s Eve, local graduations and ceremonies, and local weddings and birthday celebrations.The Camden Waterfront is also home to free entertainment on summer nights and special cultural events.

Great Public Space

2014 Designee
